Thursday, April 16, 2020

The BlogTalk: 4th Question: Is a Martial Artist not supposed to get frustrated?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on

Pooja Jadhav

Q. When I try to explain something to someone and they don’t understand, I get frustrated. Then they tell me that since I am a martial artist, I shouldn’t be getting frustrated or angry. Is there any connection between practicing martial arts and these emotions?
— Pooja Jadhav, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh® Martial Arts

Master’s Guidance: “You tell me that some people have told you that since you are doing martial arts, you must not get frustrated. I don’t know the basis for their statement.

But yes. Anyone practicing ‘authentic martial arts’ will not get frustrated. Authentic martial arts is one that develops the body, mind, and spirit. Such martial artists will not misuse the art. They are not fighters; they will not unnecessarily argue. They are selfless and in service of humanity, which are the qualities of a warrior. Keimoudo
®—Moxsh® Martial Arts is an authentic martial arts system. It is an ‘art’ not a fighting or combat sport. 

Anything that is called an ‘art’, does not involve violence or disturbance of body and mind. An art makes you a human being. Anyone who has practiced any art—it could be music, dance, musical instruments—24/7 for many years are called ‘artist’. They are focused. They don’t have time to think of petty things. Thinking and being involved in their art takes up most of their time; they are completely immersed in it.

This focus develops many qualities within them like patience, understanding, responsibility, care, passion, and compassion. Martial Arts practitioners (from here on when I say “martial artists” or “martial arts practitioners”, I mean practitioners of authentic martial arts) are also artists. They have some additional qualities: like confidence and the ability to forgive and avoid. The ability to forgive is the true quality of a warrior. Anyone can start a fight. It takes courage to forgive, avoid, and let go.

Having explained this, let me come to your first point. If you explain something to someone, then just explain. Don’t be concerned about whether the other person accepts or rejects your explanation. Have the patience and understanding to know that that person has the right to accept or reject! They may reject your explanation for three reasons:
(1) You did not explain properly
(2) They did not understand your explanation
(3) They don’t want to understand it!
Whatever the case, you should not get affected.

But when you say that you get frustrated, it implies that you want to give your opinion to others and you absolutely want them to accept it. And if they don’t accept your opinion, you get frustrated. This expectation is the root cause of the frustration that many people experience. And frustration is the root cause of most of the problems that people face.

Being my student, I advise you to develop the above qualities and you will not get frustrated, and you will become an authentic martial arts practitioner.”

— Acharya Mahendranath

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  1. As I encountered this experience lot of times... This answer of master is lot to me... Thank u so much master..

  2. Thank you Master for clarifying my doubt. Yes, I will not try to force anyone to understand me and accept my opinion instead I will try to accept their opinion and let it go.

  3. Thank you master for explaining the meaning of 'Art' altogether in a different dimension!
    Also In one talk session you have mentioned that we should learn to Respond than to React immediately. I follow that and it has been very useful in my personal life and professional life as well.
    Thank you

  4. Thank you Master.
    - Snehal Pawar

  5. Om Namah Shivay!

    This was my most favourite Q&A till now. Amazing explanation and awesome articulation! I'm so grateful for all of this...


  6. I've been recently asked to give webinar to my juniors from college. I'm so glad that I did read this.. "Explanation about Explanation" I'll surely keep this in my mind while giving the presentation

  7. Om namah shivaay master

    Thank you for your words and explanation.
    It really helped
    As we are in lockdown and we encounter such issue more than ever especially with families.

    Thanks master
    We shall follow this.


  8. Thank you Master. Your words of wisdom shall help us being grounded. Avani

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Taking a step back and accepting that others opinion can differ has always helped me. Thank you Master for teaching us to not let our emotions control us.

  11. Thank you master.This problem is faced by many because we are not guided properly earlier during childhood and always taught just to cool down when we are disturbed and panic by saying just cool down won't work for us. But the guidances u gave let's us knew what is root cause for such emotional disturbances and hence it becomes very effective in overcoming those situation and stay discipled and focused. I am very glad to read such lessons and very thankful to u


  12. Thank you Master. Your advice to attack the root cause of the frustration is definitely very helpful one. I will surely apply it to my day to day life. Also, Thank you Venkatesh Sir for recalling the point of responding and not reacting. I haven't been very successful at that yet, Master. But I'll put more efforts to bring it into my approach.

  13. Thank you Master. I will try to develop above qualities.Om

  14. Thank you master for your detailed explanation and valuable guidance.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Understood, I will apply this next time, thank you so much Master, Om

  17. Thank you Master. Nicely explained.

  18. Thank you Master Nicely Explained.

  19. Thank you Master. Your above words really helps.

    Prashant Rao

  20. Thank you Master. Your guidance will really help me in day today life.
    Lavika Shaha

  21. Thank you, Master for such wonderful explanation. But what if the person A explaining a certain thing knows that the explanation is correct and will definitely help person B and unacceptance by person B will not be good for him. So the frustration is out of care for person B. How to deal with such thoughts. Please guide

  22. Thank you Master for your guidance, these qualities will definitely help us in our daily life. I will develop myself.

    Snehdeep Patil

  23. Thank you, Master. Many times I have to remind myself of these words that it is better to avoid the fight. Sometimes it stays in my head for a long time that I should have fought back, and those thoughts lead to frustration. But slowly I am learning to actually let it go.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Om namah shivaay master
    The way master explained 'art'is very will help me to was a unique dimension answer of the questions. It increased our mental practice level.thanks master🙏🙏

  26. Thank you Master. Vaijayanti.

  27. Om namah shivay Master, thank you so much for your valuable guidance.Om

  28. This happened so often when I was still a new Martial arts practitioner. With time and with Master's guidance I have learnt, expecting everyone around me to understand and subscribe to my view will only cause frustration. Daily introspection on the day's events have helped me identify such events and learn from them.
