Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The BlogTalk: 3rd Question: How to look into business growth in the times of such crisis?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on moxshlife@gmail.com.
Parth Thakkar
Q. How to look into business growth in the times of crisis such as this Corona Virus crisis?— Parth Thakkar, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh® Martial Arts

Master’s Guidance: “Whenever such incidents occur, it affects all of us in many ways. On the face of it, loss of business and the impending uncertainty seems obvious: there is a lockdown, your business is closed, and there are no active business opportunities. Besides, you have every possible news analysts, business experts, economists, etc. forecasting various doomsday scenarios like “economic crisis”, “lowest GDP”, “economic recession”, and even “economic depression (severe recession that lasts for decades)”! etc.

Based on all this, you can have three reactions, or approaches, to such situations:

  1. Get scared and give up altogether.
  2. Listen to all the analysts and forecasters. Subconsciously this instils fear and when things resume, the fear will not allow you to take off with the momentum that you could have gained. This mindset will also not help your business recover.
  3. The third approach is what I admire. It is the warriors’ way or the King’s way. You will not pay any attention to forecasters and analysts. You will use this time to introspect upon yourself and your business and think of ways to make the business better than before.
There are many things you can do. You can study. For example, even in the past there have been many emergency situations in history that have forced businesses to remain closed for quite some time. Despite the economic crash, there have been businesses that not only stayed afloat, but also grew manifold in the aftermath because of their innovative thinking and planning during the lockdown. Read all such case studies of the past 100 years.

You can also read about all the research and development that is happening in your field. You can think about what the future holds for your particular industry; think about different scenarios and the growth prospects for your industry in the next 50 years. Is it likely to be good? Will it evolve? etc. Then think about what you want to do for your business; and the changes you want to make. Contemplate on these things.

You should look at this as an opportunity of a lifetime—an opportunity to restart.

With this mindset and approach, once the lockdown is lifted, you will be able to make your business better than ever! It will definitely take some time but you would be ready for it; you will implement all the things that you have thought about in the lockdown period. 

This is the way of those who want to emerge victorious.

You have heard of our ancient cities Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, which were one of the most advanced civilizations in the world. It is said that they were completely destroyed. Wouldn’t such a destruction have affected people far and wide? But what happened? The survivors of those catastrophes had the third approach. They didn’t give up. And as a result, here we are: part of that same civilization that still remains one of the greatest in the world!

So, here’s my advice: Have confidence in yourself. Understand that at this time, saving ourselves itself will be a big gain. The economy comes later. Use this period to restart yourself, your business, and your life in a better manner and make full use of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve your business.”
— Acharya Mahendranath

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  1. Your answer is (as always) simply brilliant Master! I'm sure it shall resonate with one and all! Awesome to have a guide as yours Master! We shall be forever indebted!


  2. Thank you Master!! Very valuable advice!
    At this time it is very important what approach we are having towards life.

  3. Thank you Master for valuable guidance.
    I will read it every day for implementation ...

  4. Thank you Master. Your guidance will encourage students to learn and face the economic crisis. Om


    Thank you Master for your advice. Every word you suggested is true and we will make it and be ready to perform after the lockdown.

    Rohan Thakur


  6. Om namah shivaay master

    Thank you for your valuable and encouraging advice.

    This will surely helps us to transform


  7. Thank you Master.This advice has changed my thinking pattern.

  8. Thank you Master. This third approach that you have suggested will definitely be beneficial.

  9. Om namah shivay master. Thank you for your valuable guidance . This is very useful for my son's business .

  10. Om namah shivaya Master
    Thanku Master for this every advice you gave us it's means alot to us we'll surely work on this

    Tejashree patil


  11. Om Namah Shivaya Master!
    Indeed, you have been like a father to me ALL my life! Inspiring ALL MY action, thinking and the subconscious!
    I resonate with every word of yours & will be the best version of myself that I have EVER BEEN as an Entrepreneur!!!

    Parth Thakkar

  12. Om Namah Shivaya Master!
    This message really helps to stay motivated.

    Arunesh K

  13. Thank you Master. This is very helpful. I will definitely implement this. 🙏

  14. Thank you Master for your advice. It's always helpful and motivating.

  15. Thank you Master,

    Very helpful massage, definitely change my thinking . Now looking forward with new energy.

    Snehdeep Patil

  16. Thanks Master.

    Even in this situation full of Negativity all around, your valuable words suddenly brings so much confidence & hope which inspire us to make the best use of this situation as an opportunity.

    Prashant Rao

  17. Thank u master for advising us. This has really me as some opportunity to remain calm in my home and do some research study and develop some skills for my future needs

  18. Thank you very much for the valuable guidance Master.
