Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The BlogTalk: 6th Question: This pandemic - A call from Nature? Or just a co-incidence?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on moxshlife@gmail.com.
Umesh Pandey

Q. It is being said, “Nature has its own ways of fulfilling its debts." Whenever humanity crosses its boundaries, nature shows its power and divinity to mark its presence. We have heard that people of Delhi are suffering from thermal inversion and air pollution since last decade. Same kind of problems are experienced by other cities of world also.

Now from last couple of weeks of Lockdown period, we have learned and experienced lots of positive changes in nature. Nature is healing herself; we have experienced reduction in NO2 levels; there is clean and clear sky and better air to breathe even in cities. This is happening not only in India but whole world is experiencing in same way.

Master, my question is: Is it a call from Nature to humanity or just a co-incidence that such kind of deadly Epidemic occurs every 100 years?
—Umesh Pandey, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh®  Martial Arts
Master’s Guidance: "Whenever anything happens, it is always for good (by ‘good’, I mean good opportunity to develop ourselves or make ourselves mature). Even in this huge calamity, in which many people have lost something or someone close to them, we can find ways to develop ourselves and grow. But for that we need deep understanding and patience. Only then can we learn from it and do something in the future from which we—especially the next generation—can benefit. But if we look at it as a loss, then it is a loss or a dead end.
Even the worst calamity shows us something. You asked if it is a call from nature to humanity or if it is a coincidence. I say it does not matter what it is. It is important that we learn from this experience.
You mentioned about reduction in 
NO2 levels, better skies, and cleaner air and water since the lockdown. You are right. But it is not just these; there are several hundred such things that are being seen across the world. 
Birds that were never seen in a country at this time of the year are visiting that country. Animals, birds, fish are moving about freely and even dancing. Mountain ranges are visible from over 200 kms away. Only human lives have come to a grinding halt. But otherwise, life is blossoming and thriving like never before. As soon as we stopped, they started living life to the fullest, and we are all witnessing this. I think that we are very fortunate that we are being shown all this.
But what do you think? Once this calamity dies down, will we change or rectify ourselves?
We all know the answer: chances are that we will get so busy and be in such a hurry to get back to our routine that we won’t stop for a moment to even think why this situation came upon us. This whole incident will soon be forgotten. It will probably become the subject of some movie, documentary, or joke or stand-up comedy, someone might write a novel or poetry, or it might take up a chapter in our history books.
And I say that for any change or rectification to take place, the first step is to think, contemplate and acknowledge the error of our ways.
We all felt that we are super advanced in every field. And why not? We have great infrastructure, technology, super convenient lifestyles, we have brought the world closer, and basically, we get to do as we please. We have gone to the Moon, Mars and beyond in search of ‘habitable space’.
At the same time governments of nations across the world have invested heavily in all kinds of weapons of mass destruction. Even less developed countries have invested large amounts in them. Every country was ready to show that it is a ‘superpower’. Everyone was prepared for war. But even the most powerful countries were not prepared for a pandemic such as this.
We need to think and understand —not just now when we are all at home, but even after this pandemic is over—that right from the healthcare system to our own immune system, everything is weak. Our priorities and our thought process have led us in a wrong direction. We have forgotten a great saying from our ancient Indian culture that ‘health is wealth’. Health not just of humans; but of every being that shares the planet with us. That includes the other animals, trees, mountains, the soil, air, water, and even space!
There is a very nice saying that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. When this calamity ends, we will need to choose: Should we go back to things the way they were? Or should we be thankful that we have gotten this golden opportunity to better ourselves, work to heal the damage inflicted on this planet, and give every entity that shares this planet with us a chance to live with the dignity and freedom that Mother Nature had given them?"

— Acharya Mahendranath

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  1. Quite deep and thought provoking... Loved it. There definitely is a need to stop and think...


  2. That's the hope....that man learns from his mistakes and the world can be a better place because of man;not devoid of man.

  3. In our school learning ,it is all about how to dwell power earn money,but now I think that syllabus needs some modifications.

    Thank you,master.

    Umesh Pandey.

  4. Thank u master. It is literally mindblowing answer. Need to think on it. It should start from ourselves. And we will need ur support and guidance for it. Om

  5. Thank you Master. Definitely time to think before getting back to busy routine.

  6. Thank you Master.
    Obviously "health is wealth' but in this modern era people forget this and all are chasing High class lifestyle and money. Really we need to take this opportunity to work on ourself.

  7. Thank you Master for a great piece of advice..
    its time we should take this pandemic occurence as a lesson and learn from it.

  8. Om namah shivaay master.

    Your advice is really valuable and make us think and learn the other side of this situation.

    Seriously, we shall start thinking in that way.


  9. This really makes you think about how we can improve our lifestyle, not just for ourselves but for the whole world and every living being. Thank you Master.

  10. Thank you Master.

    Prashant Rao

  11. Thank You Master.
    -Snehal Pawar

  12. Thank you Master. It is a beautiful insight into the phrase 'Health is Wealth' and that it applies not only to the humans but everything that the nature is made of.

  13. Our traditional wisdom which says, health is better than wealth has never been truer than today. All the wealth in the world, may not protect you from the pandemic unless you take precautions and build up immunity and stay healthy.
    The pandemic has also shown us the great damage done to the environment through our consumerist life style. There is enough in this world for all our needs, but not for our greeds. Thank you for the blog, stay at home and stay safe.

  14. Thank you masterji .From this question answer i learned that not only humans but all other living beings deserve dignity and fredom. We all are child of this mother nature and should cherish its abundant love with utmost responsublity.

  15. I fully agree with whatever you have told. We must appreciate the corona warriors rather than criticize them. They are also must be undergoing lot of stress at this moment. It's our duty to appreciate them than condemning.

    1. I fully agree with whatever you have told. We must appreciate the corona warriors rather than criticize them. They are also must be undergoing lot of stress at this moment. It's our duty to appreciate them than condemning.
      Rama Udupa

  16. From this we came to know how little our need is for living.How our health is so important.How we should stick to the basics.
    Thank you Master for such useful answer.

  17. Thank you Master. It's very true that we should not focus on labels and use this time for all the things that we delayed saying,"I wish if I had more time I'd..."

  18. Om namah shivaay master.
    The way master answer the question i liked it very much.i agree with masters thoughts. we should take this pandemic as a lesson and learn from it and be prepared for next time. We have still time to think and get ready for such situation.thanks master 🙏🙏
