Saturday, April 25, 2020

The BlogTalk: 7th Question: If doctors will be in a panic state how do we trust them to help us in this hour of need?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on

Priya Manglani
Q. My friend told me the other day that a person from her neighbourhood had a paralysis attack and when his family went to admit him, most of the hospitals were not ready to accept him because they thought it was a coronavirus case, and many of the private hospitals were closed and the surgeons and specialists don't open their clinics because of the panic. The family had to finally admit him to JJ hospital, and the doctor was scheduled to come at 5 a.m.; but ended up coming at 2 p.m. My question is, if the doctors themselves will be in a panic state and negligent how do we trust them to help us in the hour of need? Patients with kidney failures who need dialysis thrice a week, or diabetes patients are at stake here because they need doctors all the time and many of the doctors especially from the private sector are on leave. How do we address this issue?
Priya Manglani, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh® Martial Arts

Master’s Guidance: "Let me address the first part of your question. You said that your friend told you that someone in her neighbourhood had a paralytic attack and hospitals did not admit the patient because they thought it was a case of Coronavirus. Firstly, the information has come to you after it has been passed on from several other people. Usually in such cases the information clarity gets diluted each time it is passed on to the next person. If you were present when the person was being admitted (or if the person who admitted his/her relative had asked me this question), then we could have clearly understood whether they did not admit due to some technical reasons or because they thought it was a case of Coronavirus. 

Coming to the second part of your question: You have said that doctors are panicking, they have gone on leave, and that because of this negligent behaviour many patients who need other medical attention are suffering.
On the face of it, everything you say appears correct. But it is very important that you understand that this situation is very complex and there are many aspects to it, some of which I can understand and tell you right now.
When we say ‘doctors’, there are many kinds of doctors. Their specialization is different. Also, some work in large hospitals (private or government-run), some have medium-sized nursing homes, and some physicians run small clinics. 

Can we generalize and say they are all panicking and neglecting their duty?
If yes, then how come so many thousands of doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers are directly working with Coronavirus patients? Not only that, they are having stones pelted at them and people are spitting on them! In spite of all this, they are still doing their duty. We need to salute them. The situation had become so serious that the government passed a law that says such perpetrators will receive heavy punishment and severe legal action will be taken against them. I am personally very thankful to the government for having taken these measures to safeguard our health workers.

There is another aspect that I have seen on news and which I feel must be addressed. The doctors (and other health care workers and police personnel), who are providing emergency service are going home after their duty!
I think this is a cause of great anxiety for them. They have children and families at home whom they are putting at risk every time they go home. If their family gets infected, the next in line are those living in their society or colony, and very soon it will spread like wildfire. It is very important for the administration to think about the doctors’, other health care workers', and police persons’ families and the larger impact on the society.

You talk about private sector doctors being on leave. I don’t think they are on leave. They might not be available to provide their services because it is possible that the physicians who run small clinics and nursing homes do not have the infrastructure or enough Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) because there is a shortage, and priority is being given to the coronavirus care centres.
Please understand that this is a very contagious disease and the entire city is in a lockdown. This disease has been known to lie dormant and often people do not show symptoms for a while. What if such an infected person comes to a clinic for something minor like a stomach ache and ends up infecting the other patients and the doctor, who then infects everyone else who comes there in the next few days? Are the doctors being negligent or responsible?

There are too many things to be considered here. The government and the administrative system must plan, organize and work with the public to find solutions for all these problems. I have a few ideas:
For the emergency workers, the administration can get restaurants around the hospitals to provide food directly at the hospitals. The hotels or guest houses nearby can be used for their stay so that they don’t need to go home.

Similarly, to make facilities available for non-coronavirus cases, the administration can use the many small and medium-sized nursing homes and private hospitals that have beds for patients and separate rooms for doctors. They can create the required safety infrastructure and provide adequate PPE so that specialist doctors like those in OPDs, Orthopaedic surgeons, diabetologists, Urologists’ etc. can set up practice here, stay here for the duration of the pandemic and attend to patients who have other ailments and need regular check-ups and treatment. That way they can provide service and keep their families safe.

Many of my students are doctors and they are on emergency duty now. And I am very concerned for them, just like I am concerned for all other doctors and nurses out there.

Like the doctors, even the police personnel are having a very tough time. There are many women police officers among them. They stand in the hot sun for many hours a day just to stop irresponsible, even the so-called educated, citizens who keep going out unnecessarily. Can we even understand how difficult it is for them? None of these people who go out ever stop to think even for a moment that “I may be responsible for infecting these doctors and police personnel, so let me follow the rules”! 

I say now is the time for people all around the world to appreciate the doctors, healthcare workers, and police personnel, increase their confidence, and support them in every possible way.

There are already many good citizens who are leading by examples. I have seen in the news, that some hotel owners have given their hotel rooms exclusively for the use of doctors and nurses. Another person has given his vanity van for women police personnel to use for their rest and fresh-up. If we take the time to think about their difficulties, we can all find ways to help them. These things count and matter a lot. These people need this kind of attitude, gratitude, concern, and support from us right now, and not doubt and criticism."

— Acharya Mahendranath

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The BlogTalk: 6th Question: This pandemic - A call from Nature? Or just a co-incidence?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on
Umesh Pandey

Q. It is being said, “Nature has its own ways of fulfilling its debts." Whenever humanity crosses its boundaries, nature shows its power and divinity to mark its presence. We have heard that people of Delhi are suffering from thermal inversion and air pollution since last decade. Same kind of problems are experienced by other cities of world also.

Now from last couple of weeks of Lockdown period, we have learned and experienced lots of positive changes in nature. Nature is healing herself; we have experienced reduction in NO2 levels; there is clean and clear sky and better air to breathe even in cities. This is happening not only in India but whole world is experiencing in same way.

Master, my question is: Is it a call from Nature to humanity or just a co-incidence that such kind of deadly Epidemic occurs every 100 years?
—Umesh Pandey, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh®  Martial Arts
Master’s Guidance: "Whenever anything happens, it is always for good (by ‘good’, I mean good opportunity to develop ourselves or make ourselves mature). Even in this huge calamity, in which many people have lost something or someone close to them, we can find ways to develop ourselves and grow. But for that we need deep understanding and patience. Only then can we learn from it and do something in the future from which we—especially the next generation—can benefit. But if we look at it as a loss, then it is a loss or a dead end.
Even the worst calamity shows us something. You asked if it is a call from nature to humanity or if it is a coincidence. I say it does not matter what it is. It is important that we learn from this experience.
You mentioned about reduction in 
NO2 levels, better skies, and cleaner air and water since the lockdown. You are right. But it is not just these; there are several hundred such things that are being seen across the world. 
Birds that were never seen in a country at this time of the year are visiting that country. Animals, birds, fish are moving about freely and even dancing. Mountain ranges are visible from over 200 kms away. Only human lives have come to a grinding halt. But otherwise, life is blossoming and thriving like never before. As soon as we stopped, they started living life to the fullest, and we are all witnessing this. I think that we are very fortunate that we are being shown all this.
But what do you think? Once this calamity dies down, will we change or rectify ourselves?
We all know the answer: chances are that we will get so busy and be in such a hurry to get back to our routine that we won’t stop for a moment to even think why this situation came upon us. This whole incident will soon be forgotten. It will probably become the subject of some movie, documentary, or joke or stand-up comedy, someone might write a novel or poetry, or it might take up a chapter in our history books.
And I say that for any change or rectification to take place, the first step is to think, contemplate and acknowledge the error of our ways.
We all felt that we are super advanced in every field. And why not? We have great infrastructure, technology, super convenient lifestyles, we have brought the world closer, and basically, we get to do as we please. We have gone to the Moon, Mars and beyond in search of ‘habitable space’.
At the same time governments of nations across the world have invested heavily in all kinds of weapons of mass destruction. Even less developed countries have invested large amounts in them. Every country was ready to show that it is a ‘superpower’. Everyone was prepared for war. But even the most powerful countries were not prepared for a pandemic such as this.
We need to think and understand —not just now when we are all at home, but even after this pandemic is over—that right from the healthcare system to our own immune system, everything is weak. Our priorities and our thought process have led us in a wrong direction. We have forgotten a great saying from our ancient Indian culture that ‘health is wealth’. Health not just of humans; but of every being that shares the planet with us. That includes the other animals, trees, mountains, the soil, air, water, and even space!
There is a very nice saying that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. When this calamity ends, we will need to choose: Should we go back to things the way they were? Or should we be thankful that we have gotten this golden opportunity to better ourselves, work to heal the damage inflicted on this planet, and give every entity that shares this planet with us a chance to live with the dignity and freedom that Mother Nature had given them?"

— Acharya Mahendranath

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

The BlogTalk: 5th Question: How can I be more focused when meditating?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on
Pooja Jadhav

Q. I want to do meditation, but my mind is so disturbed that I am not able to focus. Could you tell me how should I be more focused and do meditation?

— Pooja Jadhav, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh® Martial Arts

Master’s Guidance: "Firstly, you must remember that meditation is part of spiritual practice. It is actually an advanced subject in the practice of yogic science. In Ashtanga Yoga, which has eight steps—Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana, and Samadhi— the 5th step is pratyahara or “withdrawal of the senses”. Achieving Pratyahara is important for concentration and meditation.

Meditation is like medicine. Just like you need to take medicine under the supervision and guidance of a doctor, you need to practice meditation under the guidance of a spiritual guru, who will prepare you for it in many ways.

And therefore, meditation comes easily for anyone who goes through this study in a step-by-step manner. Their body and mind are prepared and one day, without realizing it, they will find themselves meditating.

But if you directly do meditation because it is fashionable or because you want to relieve stress, then you will face this problem. You will get disturbed. You will get more thoughts than when you were not meditating.

I’ll explain why this happens.
When most people sit for meditation, they declare that the reason why they are doing it is to remove all thoughts and experience peace of mind. But the moment you have an expectation or demand from your mind, your mind produces many thoughts. This makes you disturbed. And then you get even more worried that you are getting disturbed! It becomes a cycle that you cannot stop and it might actually lead to greater stress! You wanted peace, but instead you ended up fighting the storm that you created!

This is one of the biggest mistakes that people make. Don't fight with your thoughts; just let go. Meditation is passive and is about just watching. Don’t tell yourself “I must not get any thoughts”; or that you want “peace of mind”. Let go of even those thoughts and just sit and settle down."

— Acharya Mahendranath

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Thursday, April 16, 2020

The BlogTalk: 4th Question: Is a Martial Artist not supposed to get frustrated?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on

Pooja Jadhav

Q. When I try to explain something to someone and they don’t understand, I get frustrated. Then they tell me that since I am a martial artist, I shouldn’t be getting frustrated or angry. Is there any connection between practicing martial arts and these emotions?
— Pooja Jadhav, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh® Martial Arts

Master’s Guidance: “You tell me that some people have told you that since you are doing martial arts, you must not get frustrated. I don’t know the basis for their statement.

But yes. Anyone practicing ‘authentic martial arts’ will not get frustrated. Authentic martial arts is one that develops the body, mind, and spirit. Such martial artists will not misuse the art. They are not fighters; they will not unnecessarily argue. They are selfless and in service of humanity, which are the qualities of a warrior. Keimoudo
®—Moxsh® Martial Arts is an authentic martial arts system. It is an ‘art’ not a fighting or combat sport. 

Anything that is called an ‘art’, does not involve violence or disturbance of body and mind. An art makes you a human being. Anyone who has practiced any art—it could be music, dance, musical instruments—24/7 for many years are called ‘artist’. They are focused. They don’t have time to think of petty things. Thinking and being involved in their art takes up most of their time; they are completely immersed in it.

This focus develops many qualities within them like patience, understanding, responsibility, care, passion, and compassion. Martial Arts practitioners (from here on when I say “martial artists” or “martial arts practitioners”, I mean practitioners of authentic martial arts) are also artists. They have some additional qualities: like confidence and the ability to forgive and avoid. The ability to forgive is the true quality of a warrior. Anyone can start a fight. It takes courage to forgive, avoid, and let go.

Having explained this, let me come to your first point. If you explain something to someone, then just explain. Don’t be concerned about whether the other person accepts or rejects your explanation. Have the patience and understanding to know that that person has the right to accept or reject! They may reject your explanation for three reasons:
(1) You did not explain properly
(2) They did not understand your explanation
(3) They don’t want to understand it!
Whatever the case, you should not get affected.

But when you say that you get frustrated, it implies that you want to give your opinion to others and you absolutely want them to accept it. And if they don’t accept your opinion, you get frustrated. This expectation is the root cause of the frustration that many people experience. And frustration is the root cause of most of the problems that people face.

Being my student, I advise you to develop the above qualities and you will not get frustrated, and you will become an authentic martial arts practitioner.”

— Acharya Mahendranath

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The BlogTalk: 3rd Question: How to look into business growth in the times of such crisis?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on
Parth Thakkar
Q. How to look into business growth in the times of crisis such as this Corona Virus crisis?— Parth Thakkar, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh® Martial Arts

Master’s Guidance: “Whenever such incidents occur, it affects all of us in many ways. On the face of it, loss of business and the impending uncertainty seems obvious: there is a lockdown, your business is closed, and there are no active business opportunities. Besides, you have every possible news analysts, business experts, economists, etc. forecasting various doomsday scenarios like “economic crisis”, “lowest GDP”, “economic recession”, and even “economic depression (severe recession that lasts for decades)”! etc.

Based on all this, you can have three reactions, or approaches, to such situations:

  1. Get scared and give up altogether.
  2. Listen to all the analysts and forecasters. Subconsciously this instils fear and when things resume, the fear will not allow you to take off with the momentum that you could have gained. This mindset will also not help your business recover.
  3. The third approach is what I admire. It is the warriors’ way or the King’s way. You will not pay any attention to forecasters and analysts. You will use this time to introspect upon yourself and your business and think of ways to make the business better than before.
There are many things you can do. You can study. For example, even in the past there have been many emergency situations in history that have forced businesses to remain closed for quite some time. Despite the economic crash, there have been businesses that not only stayed afloat, but also grew manifold in the aftermath because of their innovative thinking and planning during the lockdown. Read all such case studies of the past 100 years.

You can also read about all the research and development that is happening in your field. You can think about what the future holds for your particular industry; think about different scenarios and the growth prospects for your industry in the next 50 years. Is it likely to be good? Will it evolve? etc. Then think about what you want to do for your business; and the changes you want to make. Contemplate on these things.

You should look at this as an opportunity of a lifetime—an opportunity to restart.

With this mindset and approach, once the lockdown is lifted, you will be able to make your business better than ever! It will definitely take some time but you would be ready for it; you will implement all the things that you have thought about in the lockdown period. 

This is the way of those who want to emerge victorious.

You have heard of our ancient cities Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, which were one of the most advanced civilizations in the world. It is said that they were completely destroyed. Wouldn’t such a destruction have affected people far and wide? But what happened? The survivors of those catastrophes had the third approach. They didn’t give up. And as a result, here we are: part of that same civilization that still remains one of the greatest in the world!

So, here’s my advice: Have confidence in yourself. Understand that at this time, saving ourselves itself will be a big gain. The economy comes later. Use this period to restart yourself, your business, and your life in a better manner and make full use of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve your business.”
— Acharya Mahendranath

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

The BlogTalk: 2nd Question: How to overcome the challenges of home-practice?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 
Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on

Sachidanand Pandey
When I practice at home, I am not able to practice with the intensity that I practice in class. I get exhausted very quickly. So how can I increase my stamina/capacity for practicing at home.

— Sachidanand Pandey, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh® Martial Arts

Master’s Guidance: "It is your mind that is subconsciously prompting you and telling you that you are practicing at home. When you are in training sessions, the mind does not interfere. You are with a group of students and you all collectively practice the same regimen, which creates a different energy. The intensity is a result of the regimen training, live instructions with Master’s or teacher’s counts, and group practice, and therefore the intensity cannot be replicated at home.

But the stamina you have during the training session and at home is the same. The difference is that at home, the mind keeps jumping in and telling you that “you are at home” and that’s why you get exhausted quickly. This is a psychological barrier that you have to cross.

Keimoudo develops you at physical, psychological and spiritual levels. As beginners you focus on learning the techniques, the sequence, etc. Then gradually you develop passion, respect and devotion for the art. When that happens, it does not matter where you are practicing. The practice itself becomes your sadhana.

So, you now need to make conscious efforts to keep your subconscious at bay and make yourself understand that it is the same practice. Your stamina is same at home and in Keimoudo training sessions. Make conscious efforts to bring the same rhythm to your practice at home."

— Acharya Mahendranath

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Thursday, April 9, 2020

The BlogTalk: 1st Question: How can strict law and order be maintained during this pandemic?

The Master’s Guidance Continues
Acharya Mahendranath
(The Master)
As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the entire country is in a lockdown. All students have been missing the joy of coming to the training centres, practicing in a group, interacting with the teachers, and of course meeting the Master. Everyone has also missed having our monthly “Master’s Talk Session”. But Master says that physical lockdown need not mean lockdown of our lives. We can still do the same things, but do them differently. Which is why the Master has given a schedule for daily practice of Martial Arts, Yoga and Reiki Energy Healing, and all students have responded really well. 

Our activities over Instagram and Facebook have kept us connected with each other’s energy. So why stop here? Why not have Master’s Talk Session as well, but in a different manner? So we asked students to send us questions and the Master has given His guidance through this blog. So we hope that you all read it, understand it, internalize it, apply it and make your life even better. Please share your comments at the end of each question and of course, more questions are welcome on
Devavrat Anikhindi

Q: In this pandemic that has gripped the world, the Indian government has taken necessary and quick steps to get things under control. However, many people are resorting to horrendous acts like pelting stones at the health and security personnel, who themselves are doing their duty under great stress and risk. Also, people are skipping their quarantine period without giving a thought about affecting others around them.
When we see all this, it sometimes feels that North Korea is doing the right thing by issuing ‘shoot at sight’ orders. Is this thought process correct? Is having a few people shot down for the sake of many, really the right thing to do? Are there any other measures that could be taken so that people start fearing the law? — Devavrat Anikhindi, Student of Keimoudo®— Moxsh® Martial Arts

Master’s guidance: "There are many aspects to your question, so I will address them one-by-one. First you said that our government has taken quick steps. Yes. You are absolutely right. They have indeed acted very quickly, taken the right decisions at the right time, and done a lot given the very short time they had. If they had not acted quickly, then we would have been in the midst of a catastrophe that we cannot even imagine. So, we must truly appreciate their very commendable job. I myself am very thankful to them.
Next you said about those disobeying quarantine: It is very sad that despite the government doing so much and educating people, there are some who are disobeying quarantine and lockdown rules.
I can only say that such people are already dead inside. Anyone who is alive and human will be responsible and care for himself, and also for others. That is what I call humanity or being human.
I have even seen in the news that people are stepping out of their houses and going to market, crowding the place and are breaking all the social distancing and lockdown rules in the process! If asked why they are doing this, their retort is “How do we stay alive without vegetables!”
They don’t realize that this irresponsible way in which they are buying vegetables could spell death for them and hundreds of others. This is a crisis and for this one month if you eat only dal-rice or khichdi, you will be very healthy. In fact, studies and research have recently called Dal Rice as a “Wonder Diet”* and have extolled several of its health benefits.
But how can you explain these things to them? Understanding cannot come through explanation. One has to bring about understanding on their own, and that can happen only if a human is human! What can you tell those who are dead inside?
About those who pelted stones: The whole world has seen these incidents on television. We heard doctors’ interviews and it is a very, very shameful thing indeed that these people behaved in this manner against doctors and security personnel, who are indeed doing a very commendable job and risking their lives for us. But these people who threw stones at them are another example of those who are dead inside and not human.
Now your point about taking strict action against a few for the sake of many, and whether it is the right thing to do: When one looks at it under these circumstances, one is inclined to think that it is correct. And such thinking is also justified. But in reality, you cannot say whether it is right or wrong. Because what seems right today may seem wrong tomorrow.
But these orders by the government are not about right or wrong. It is about law. The law is meant to be implemented for those who pose a threat to the community; those who are dead inside. Think about it this way: what if someone is threatening the lives of many (hijacking, hostage situation, or threatening another person or persons’ lives in any manner). What happens? The law enforcement officers try and reason with them, warn them, and if they don’t listen, they take action as per the law of the land.
Law is meant to protect the innocent. So these cases that you are referring to are the same. If someone is doing anything wrong—pelting stones, violating social distancing or lockdown norms, or doing anything else that is putting others’ lives at risk—either intentionally or because they are irresponsible, it is akin to breaking the same law. So, in such cases also the law must intervene, reason, warn, and then strict action must be taken.
Governments across the world must understand that the law is for the greater good of the people and should enforce it uniformly and at the right time. Even today there are countries where the implementation of law and consequences of law breaking is so strict that their crime rate is negligible.
But again, if you are not dead from inside, which means you are a human being, then you will not do anything to harm another and so there is no chance of disruption in law and order.''

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Monday, April 6, 2020

Living the Lockdown: "May the Light of Unity and Understanding Stay On"

Acharya Mahendranath (The Master)
"Om Namah Sivaya, 
I am sure you all participated wholeheartedly in the '9 Minutes of Light' initiative yesterday. It was a very moving experience. It was a celebration of our unity in the face of a very big calamity. As we look at the future, I urge all of you to keep this light on in your hearts by continuing to express gratitude. We need to salute and express our heartfelt thanks to the tens of thousands of our countrymen who are out there working for us.

Firstly, we must thank the doctors and nurses who face the highest risk being in the frontline of this struggle. Yet we hear innumerable stories of their undying bravery, spirit, and energy.

And then there are our brethren in the Police, Military and Paramilitary Forces who have been running from pillar to post to ensure law and order. Let us thank them wholeheartedly.

Our government leaders and administration deserve a big applause. Not only are they monitoring the situation second-to-second, they are also coordinating with several groups, responding to emergency situations at national and state levels, and in the face of everything they are giving us hope and encouragement all the time.

Most of us are still getting groceries, milk, medicines, etc.; we are having our roads and societies cleaned; people who need it are having access to public transport; we have water and electricity... all of this means that apart from those at home, there are a large number of people who are still hard at work and stepping out every day to make sure we are healthy and safe. We must bow to all these people.

The media have been playing a very crucial role by working with the government and administration to give us relevant news, allay our fears, and quell rumours. They have played a very important role in uniting us and we must thank them from the bottom of our hearts.

Finally, we must thank everyone who donated selflessly —ordinary citizens, companies and industrialists, media personalities, etc.— and lent a big helping hand to the government in this difficult time.

In the face of good news and bad news, it is important that we remember these people at least once every day and express thanks to them. At the same time, the greatest service we can do for them is to stay at home, respect the rules of social distancing and let them do their work.

My blessings and best wishes to all of you. Be Healthy, Stay Safe!

 — Acharya Mahendranath

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